2016 - 04 - 08
bug-fix Fixed the offset navigation on the one page docs with a sticky header.
2016 - 03 - 09
feature Implemented the 'preprod' mode, it's something between the development and production mode. Very useful for those who want to slightly customize the JavaScript behavior without touching the vendor scripts. For more information see the documentation.
feature 404 error page implemented.
feature Text file tree implemented.
feature Featured boxed implemented.
feature Page preloader implemented. For more information on how to activate it on your page please see the documentation.
feature Audio player implemented.
feature Simple accordion implemented.
feature FAQ categories implemented, handy for a massive FAQ knowledge base.
feature Recommended products widget implemented.
feature Small browser support table implemented.
improvement Implemented the "scroll to version" functionality, now you can easily navigate to a specific version using the navigation bar. Also each version has an unique fragment identifier that permits to share the link to a specific version.
improvement Implemented a working file status filter on the changelog page.
improvement Small CSS improvements.
2016 - 02 - 24
feature Configured and added a gulp file to the project.
feature Request demo section implemented.
feature Mobile App features section implemented.
feature Video section implemented.
feature Blog list view implemented.
feature Visual guide element implemented.
feature Table of contents element implemented.
feature Donate element implemented.
feature Ask for a rate modal implemented.
feature Added social share and subscribe widgets in the footer.
feature Implemented a sticky behavior for all the headers. For more information see the documentation.
improvement Written a short documentation on theme's typography.
improvement Provided links in the changelog pointing to the updated pages.
improvement Linted the JavaScript code.
improvement Minor Less and CSS improvements.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
2016 - 02 - 12
feature 4 Brand New Static Headers added for web app, mobile app and software presentation. A subscribe form in header is also available now.
feature Added the same variation of headers as the static ones with a video trigger integrated for video presentations. YouTube, Vimeo and other popular video hostings supported.
feature Implemented the 'Show Code' button for visual elements that require a code structure explanation.
improvement Switched to a more stable video background plugin with a larger range of browser support.
improvement Added a survey for everyone who's owning a version of VSDocs to be able to submit a feature request or a bug report.
improvement Minor CSS improvements.
bug-fix Fixed the copy fragment identifier on mobile devices inside the '.container-spaced'.
bug-fix Fixed the responsiveness of the 'Gif Player' in Internet Explorer.
bug-fix Fixed the mobile dropdown menu in Internet Explorer.
2015 - 12 - 25
feature A brand new layout for one page documentations, with a nested side menu and smooth navigation between sections.
feature Video header implemented.
improvement Switched to a blue theme.
improvement All the media queries are now grouped by screen breakpoints on compilation, keeping a smart LESS file structure. This results into a more lightweight CSS file.
improvement Redesigned the Custom Video Playlist component.
improvement Added a download button on each video from the playlist.
improvement Added a 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to the Custom Video Playlist's UI.
improvement Minor CSS improvements.
2015 - 12 - 03
feature Code tabs implemented.
feature Social share buttons added to the article.
improvement Copy to clipboard feature - now the following browsers are supported: Chrome 42+, Firefox 41+, IE 9+ and Opera 29+. Safari is not supported yet. No more flash dependence and up to 70% less JavaScript code.
improvement On click on the comments meta, page scrolls down smoothly to the comments section.
improvement View the language name in a label on the code highlight box.
improvement Code boxes are attachable to each other.
improvement Minor CSS improvements.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
bug-fix 'Article tags' on small screens.
bug-fix 'Compact Browser Support' on small screens.
bug-fix Initiated the 'Before and After' slider on window load.
bug-fix Prevent the side menu from moving one pixel up on mouse hover.
bug-fix JavaScript error when the page is loaded within an iFrame.
2015 - 11 - 20
feature 'Home Page' redesigned from scratch. Turned it more into a commercial/about page.
feature Implemented alternative 'Small Boxes'.
feature Implemented the 'Price List' component.
feature Implemented the 'Brands' component.
feature Implemented the 'Testimonials' component.
feature Implemented the 'Call to Action' component.
feature Implemented the 'FAQ - Grid View' component.
feature Implemented the 'Extended Footer' component.
improvement Headers updated with a more logical structure.
improvement Made the footer stick to the bottom of the page. In other words, even if there is no content on the page, the footer is positioned at the bottom of the window.
improvement Minor CSS improvements.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
2015 - 11 - 13
feature Added 'Single Article' page to the template.
feature Added nested comments module to the 'Single Article' page.
feature Working contact form with smart data validation. A simple email template included.
improvement Minor CSS improvements.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
2015 - 11 - 06
feature Added 'Blog' page to the template. Share your hot news with your customers.
feature Added a compact version for the full width layouts.
improvement Sidebar redesigned from scratch. New look, more flexibility and intelligence.
improvement The sidebar menu is shown as a dropdown on mobile devices, instead of hiding it completely.
improvement Mobile menu, off canvas menu and version component close on offclick.
improvement Minor CSS improvements and file structure optimization.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
bug-fix Rotator over the mobile menu.
bug-fix Rotator issue in Safari, causing the texts shaking.
bug-fix Blured text on menu hover.
bug-fix Sidebar issue, when the content is smaller in height than the sidebar.
2015 - 10 - 22
feature Fragment Identifier implemented. Now you can share links to specific parts of your page, click the button and the link will be copied to the clipboard.
feature Updated the 'Browser Support' component. You can specify which browsers are recommended or partial supported.
improvement Added icons to the 'Numbers' component. This allows you to illustrate your stats.
improvement Updade the 'FAQ' component with a more user friendly search input. Added the 'keyword' selector to highlight the important words from the question that may help the user to find the answers quicker.
improvement Implemented a smooth hover effect on the menu. Every detail should have its beauty.
improvement Added 'Pe-icon-7-stroke' pack to the theme. More icons, more fineness.
improvement Small CSS improvements.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
2015 - 10 - 16
feature Custom video player implemented. Now you can stream videos hosted anywhere.
feature Stream custom video playlists implemented. Share your courses and seminars with your customers.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
2015 - 10 - 14
feature Changelog page added to the template.
feature Implemented filters on the changelog page. You can easily filter the updates by features, improvements or bug fixes.
feature Implemented the 'Updated files' on the changelog page. This will help implementing the new updates into your existing projects.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
2015 - 06 - 07
improvement Added the selected option on the 'Tendina' plugin. This will force the plugin to expand the parents of the active menu item.
improvement Improved the Copy to Clipboard function on the devices that do not support Flash. Now by clicking on copy button on those devices it will select the entire text from the box which makes it easier to manually copy it afterwards.
improvement Updated the documentation accordingly to the new improvements.
bug-fix Fixed the YouTube playlist stream. YouTube updated the API so from now on an API key is required. Updated the documentation with more details on how to initialize an YouTube playlist.
2015 - 05 - 16
improvement More intelligent behavior of the vertical menu.
bug-fix Fixed the vertical menu, once it's fixed and too high and getting over the footer.
bug-fix Fixed tags with small corner cover.